

July 2023​

  • A fully transparent and unbiased chatbot service

  • AI-powered crypto reports

August 2023​

  • Add more sources for AI reports

  • Add chats for AI reports

  • Release of Alphakek DAO

  • Migrated from Polygon to Ethereum

  • Merch store launch :D

September 2023​

  • Private AI reports for users

  • Make messages in AI reports and chats editable

  • Add shareable links for AI reports and chats

  • Added sentiment analysis to AI reports

  • Switched from a revenue share to a buyback & burn model (voted by DAO)

  • Add access to the Ethereum DEX data for AI reports

October 2023​

  • Telegram bot release

  • Vastly expand the number of info sources for the AI reports

  • Add self-updating AI Dashboards

  • Add the ability to chat with anyone else's public AI report

November 2023​

  • AlphaKEK Fractal now remembers all the previous AI Reports thus expanding the AI Chat's knowledge

  • Added TradFi data to Fractal's knowledge graph

  • Release of CryptoGPT by Alphakek.AI

  • Added the sentiment analysis data to all the data sources we have (30k+)

December 2023​

  • Greatly optimized the AI Chat's speed

  • Started the custom AI Bot program, released the first custom AI Bot for $SBF

January 2024​

  • Added the DEX integration to AI Bots

February 2024​

  • Significant improvements to the AI Bots' speed and accuracy

  • Started deploying our own GPU server infrastructure for a hybrid cloud

March 2024​

  • Added the market sentiment tracker to the AI Bots

  • Significantly improved the token-related question-answering in the AI Bots

  • Increased the number of simultaneously used data sources for the AI Bots to 50

  • Added chat summaries to the AI Bots

  • Added the WalletConnect integration to the web app

  • Added Token Audit feature to the AI Bots and Chats

  • Released a new Blog

  • Announced Arweave partnership

  • Announced SelfKey partnership

  • Released Discord bot

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

July 2024


Items listed below are not in any particular order and are subject to change. The list below is not exhaustive, as we keep some ideas secret.

AI Apps​

  • Implement Alphakek AGI: the autonomous AI Agent for crypto research, trading, and more

  • Develop the on-chain platform for crypto-centric AI models and datasets

    • Develop the on-chain marketplace of high-quality datasets for instruction fine-tuning, Web3 function calling, and more

    • Develop the hybrid cloud service for fine-tuning, training, and deploying AI models using community-contributed datasets

    • Develop the on-chain market for crypto-centric AI models and data sources - with SaaS and PaaS models and licensing

  • Expand the variety of on-chain data sources for the AI Bots:

    • Wallet movements

    • Sniping

    • Fundamentals

    • Rugpull detection

    • Portfolio tracking/management/analytics

    • Calls

    • Contact us to propose additional data points

  • Unify AI Chats and AI Reports into a single app

  • Develop integrations with popular LLM libraries such as LangChain and LlamaIndex for API Overview

  • Add AI-powered clustering and classification for the market sentiment data

  • Implement AI alerts for the Telegram Bots

  • Add image understanding abilities to both the AI Bots and the AlphaKEK Fractal


  • Custom analytics for crypto ecosystems

  • Blockchain integrations

  • Custom chatbots for Web3 projects

  • Custom AI models for Web3 projects

  • Coding assistants for non-Solidity crypto languages

Last updated